Battelle--Government Contract, 1981
File — Folder: 491
Scope and Contents
From the Series:
The office file set Habermann titled Consulting represented his advisory work for parties great and small, American and foreign, corporate, academic and governmental. Habermann furthered his, and CMU's, associations and reputation by appearing on visiting committees, advisory boards and task forces to evaluate and advance research programs, software design, departmental faculty and division heads. Habermann was as comfortable as an expert witness in systems-related arbitration cases (see folder Kane Carpet v. McDonnell Douglas) as he was as member of IBM's Science Advisory Committee (IBM-SAC), as software technologies advisor for Siemens, as advisor to the National Science Foundation's Coordinated Experimental Research (CER) board, and member of the scope committee of the Computer Science and Technology Board (CSTB; later "Telecommunications Board"). Frequently, the associations Habermann made in his consulting work led to External Relations-category program funding for CMU, for which see the series of that title. The one and one-half box length Consulting series has been rearranged into chronological order from Habermann's preferred reverse-chronological filing. The series is arranged in alphabetical order by title of corporation, government agency, university or science institute, then by date of association.
- Creation: 1981
From the Collection: 16.0 Linear feet (16 boxes)
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Carnegie Mellon University Archives Repository