Box 1
Contains 7 Results:
Notes and Drawings, 1997
Math Packet, 1993-1995
Writings, undated
The Red Book, 1997
Biographical Records, 1944-1998
Contains copies of birth and death certificates, diplomas, marriage and other announcements, and a brief genealogical list written by Loretta. Original order has been maintained through this series.
Related Correspondence, 2001-2008
Contains the correspondence between Clark Kimberling and both Loretta Kolakoski and Mike Vargo. Mrs. Kolakoski’s letters are handwritten, Mr. Kimberling’s are typed, and the correspondence between Mr. Kimberling and Mr. Vargo are printed emails.
Related Articles, 1991-2006
Contains Mr. Kimberling’s collection of academic articles relating to the Kolakoski Sequence. Original order has been maintained through this series with the exception that a piece of correspondence dated March 16 was removed and placed in Series 3.